GBrowse Tutorial

Revision as of 01:27, 30 November 2012 by Girlwithglasses (Talk | contribs)

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There are several GBrowse tutorials:

GBrowse tutorial from 2012 GMOD Summer School
This tutorial was taught by Scott Cain at the 2012 GMOD Summer School. It demonstrates setting up, configuring and using GBrowse with some sample data. GBrowse is provided on an Amazon Machine Image: see GMOD in the Cloud for more information on getting a GMOD AMI.
GBrowse tutorial from 2010 GMOD Summer School
This tutorial was originally taught by Scott Cain at the 2010 GMOD Summer School - Americas. It walks you through setting up and running GBrowse with some sample data. It provides a VMware image to work on, and relies heavily on the GBrowse2 Admin Tutorial.
GBrowse User Tutorial at OpenHelix
Demonstrates the GBrowse user interface.
GBrowse2 Admin Tutorial
Step by step guide on how to configure and load data into GBrowse. Administration tutorials are available for both the GBrowse2 Admin Tutorial, and the earlier 1.x versions.
GBrowse NGS Tutorial
Instructions on how to visualize next generation sequencing data in GBrowse using SAMtools. The tutorial includes a starting VMware image, and uses the example data that comes with SAMtools.
GBrowse video tutorial
Produced by EuPathDB; please direct praise and thanks to them!