GMOD Cloud Tutorial

Revision as of 13:32, 27 June 2012 by Scott (Talk | contribs)

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Setting up an AWS Account

Rather than us writing a lot of content here, we'll start with a link to the Amazon getting started guide. At a minimum, we suggest the general getting started guide as well as the guide for the free usage tier.

Finding and Starting a GMOD Cloud AMI

The ID of the current GMOD in the Cloud Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is on the main [Cloud|GMOD in the Cloud] page. To find it in Amazon's management page, go to AMIs section under Images in the EC2 Management Console. Search public images for that ID or "GMOD in the Cloud" and right or control click on the most recent version. This will bring up a menu and select "launch image" from this menu. You will be presented with a pop up window to configure the image. You can accept all of the defaults unless you really want a more powerful machine. If not, select the "micro" instance, which if you don't have any other micro instances available, and you're still new to AWS, will be free for a year. For a more powerful machine, select something else. Press continue.

In the next window, you should be able to accept all of the defaults. Press continue.

In the next window, you might want to give your instance a name so you can easily identify it later. You could try something like "first GMOD in the Cloud instance". Press continue.

In the next window, you are asked to provide or create a key pair so that you may remotely log in. If you don't already have one, select "Create key pair". Give it a name and down load the key pair. Remember where you downloaded it to, because you'll need it later to log into your machine. Press continue.

Next you'll be asked to configure the firewall. You'll need access on ports 22 (ssh) and 80 (http) If there is a "default" option, you can probably accept it. If not, select "Create new security group" and select SSH and HTTP from the drop down list, clicking "add rule" for each. Give it a useful name like "default". Press continue and close until your instance gets created.

Logging in

Resizing your data partition

Interacting with the Server

Getting a Fixed IP address

Working with the GMOD Software on the Server

Loading Data into Chado

Configuring GBrowse

Getting Data into JBrowse

Configuring Tripal