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The GMOD Summer School is funded by [ NIH grant 1R01HG004483-01] under [ Ian Holmes].
The GMOD Summer School is funded by [ NIH grant 1R01HG004483-01] under [ Ian Holmes].

Revision as of 21:43, 6 March 2008


July 11-13, 2008
Durham, North Carolina, USA

at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)

The first annual GMOD Summer school is a 2 1/2 day hands-on workshop aimed at teaching new GMOD users how to get up and running with popular GMOD components. There will also be a concurrent 1 day session aimed at principal investigators that will give decision makers a feel for what GMOD can do and what level of resources are needed to get a GMOD installation up and running.

Plans for the GMOD Summer School are still being finalized. Registration will open by mid-March. Please contact the GMOD Help Desk if you have any questions.


The program features two tracks:

Implementation Track
Two and half days of hands on training starting with an overview of GMOD and then covering installation and configuration of popular GMOD tools, include Chado, GBrowse, CMap, Apollo, and the Community Annotation System.
Principal Investigator Track
This shorter track (Saturday and Sunday only) will provide an overview of what GMOD can do, how the GMOD community works, and give participants a glimpse of what's involved in getting GMOD tools up and running. In addition to PI-only sessions, participants will be paired with an Implementation Track participant during the Community Annotation System session, so that PIs can get a feel for what is involved in getting GMOD software installed and configured.

Tentative Program

Date Time Implementation Track Principal Investigator Track
July 11
9am - 10am GMOD Overview
Scott Cain and Dave Clements
Course overview, how the GMOD project works and installing VMware appliances on student computers.
Starts on Saturday
10am - Noon Chado: Theory
Dave Clements
Architecture and logical design of the Chado database schema: Chado's modules and extensibility, how IDs and database cross references are handled, the central role of ontologies/controlled vocabularies, and an overview of how sequence data is handled.
Noon - 1pm Lunch Break
Places to eat
NESCent is adjacent to Durham's 9th Street District.
1pm - 3pm Chado: Practice
Scott Cain
Using Chado: Installation, importing and exporting data, and a complete worked example of loading example sequence data.
3pm - 5pm GBrowse I
Scott Cain
Overview, GBrowse installation and using GBrowse adaptors
5pm - 6:30pm Dinner Break
Places to eat
6:30pm - 9pm GBrowse II
Scott Cain
GBrowse Configuration: Changing defaults and displays, adding tracks, and performance tuning
July 12
9am - 12:30pm Apollo
Ed Lee
Overview, installation, configuration, reading/writing data, setting up a Java WebStart instance.
PI's are welcome to show up early and sit in on the Apollo session.
12:30pm - 1:30pm Lunch Break
Places to eat
1:30pm - 5pm CMap
Ben Faga
Overview, installation, configuration and data importation.
GMOD Overview
Scott Cain and Dave Clements
Introduction to how the GMOD project works, what software tools are available in GMOD, how they interoperate, and what resources are needed to get a GMOD installation up and running.
5pm - 6pm Social Hour
Get to know your fellow GMOD Summer School attendees and instructors.
July 13
9am - 12:30pm Community Annotation System
Scott Cain
How to install and configure the GMOD Community Annotation System, an integrated package of GMOD components (including all the ones covered in this course) that reduces much of the installation, integration, and configuration work of doing each component individually.
This is a joint session for both tracks. Participants from each track will be paired together. This will allow PIs to observe what is involved in doing GMOD installations and how several GMOD components work.
12:30 - 1pm Wrapup and Resources
Scott Cain and Dave Clements
This joint session will describe the resources available to GMOD users and attempt to bring the course to a coherent close.
  Implementation Track     Joint Track     PI Track  


Sessions will be taught by experienced GMOD personnel, including:

Who Should Attend?

The GMOD Summer School has tracks for both the people who implement GMOD at your organization, and for Principal Investigators who would benefit from having their organizations use GMOD.

Implementation Track

The Implementation Track goes into detail about how to install and configure GMOD components. It is aimed at GMOD System Administrators, the people who actually implement and manage a GMOD installation on a day to day basis. This track is for GMOD sys admins from organizations that are either planning to use GMOD components, or are in the early phases of implementing GMOD.


The Implementation Track requires a minimal level of Linux systems administration knowledge (see Computing Requirements). Attendees without that minimal level of knowledge will likely be lost for most of the course.

By "a minimal level of Liinux systems administration knowledge" we mean that participants should be comfortable installing packages under Linux. A good benchmark for this level of knowledge is that you should be able to get a basic GBrowse installation (that is, GBrowse without MySQL) up and running with the example GBrowse data. This also requires installing Apache, and BioPerl and all its dependencies. This is a non-trivial task for beginning Linux sys admins, but if you can do this successfully then you will likely fully participate in the course. If you can't then the course will be, at best, frustrating for you.

System Requirements

VmwareLogoSmall.jpg Participants are required to bring their own laptops, and those laptops must already be capable of running a VMware system image.

Each session will start with different VMware image that was built specifically for that session. Some VMware images will incorporate work covered in earlier sessions. For example, the image used in the GBrowse session will already have PostgreSQL and Chado installed and Chado will be preloaded with example data.

VMware on Windows and Linux

WindowsLogoSmall.jpg LinuxLogoSmall.jpg A free VMware player is available for Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems from VMware. You will need to register to download it.

VMware on Mac OS X

AppleSmall.gif There is no free VMware player that runs directly under Mac OS X. However, there are several other options, all of which require an Intel Mac:
Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard) and Boot Camp
AppleBootCampLogo.jpg The latest release of Mac OS (10.5, Leopard) includes Boot Camp, a feature that allows you to boot your Mac into another operating system, including Windows or Linux. From there you can install the VMware player for your OS.*
VMware Fusion
VMWareFusionsLogo.jpg VMware's Fusion product ($79.99) allows you to run Windows or Linux under Mac OS. From there you can install the VMware player for your OS. Scott uses Fusion on a regular basis and is pretty happy with it (though he paid half price for it when it came out).
Parallels Desktop for Mac
ParallelsDesktopLogo.gif Another option is Parallels Desktop for Mac ($79.99). Like Fusion, Parallels allows you to run Windows and Linux under Mac OS. And once again, from there you can install the VMware player for your OS. This requires two 'levels' of virtualization: Parallels to get Windows or Linux and then VMware Player to run the course Linux.*
* This is how they are supposed to work anyway! We haven't tested these options all the way through yet. We will update this page as we try them.

Principal Investigator Track

The PI Track is geared towards decision makers that are considering using GMOD at their organization. This track introduces participants to what GMOD can do, how the GMOD community works, and offers insight into how GMOD might work at their site. This track does not require any computing skills.

Who should consider using GMOD? If your organization has more data than you can manage using word processors and spreadsheets then you should consider GMOD. GMOD offers an integrated set of tools for common tasks related to biological data. GMOD is particularly attractive to groups that need to manage, visualize and/or annnotate genomic data. GMOD also offers a community of users and developers who support it.


The only prerequisite for the PI Track is that you have or expect to have more data than you can manage, visualize and annotate using current methods.


There is no tuition cost for the GMOD Summer School. It's free. Participants are responsible for their own travel, lodging and meal expenses. Assistance is available for travel and living expenses to participants from underrepresented groups; please contact the GMOD Help Desk for more information.


If you are interested in attending the 2008 GMOD Summer School then please submit a Statement of Interest describing your plans for using GMOD and what you hope to get from the course.

Enrollment is limited. The Implementation Track is limited to 15 participants; the PI Track is limited to 10 participants. If interest exceeds the limited capacity of this course (we expect it will), then we will select attendees based on their Statement of Interest.


NESCentMainPageIcon.png The GMOD Summer School will be held at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) in Durham, North Carolina, United States.

Transportation and lodging information will be added here as the course draws nearer.


The GMOD Summer School is funded by NIH grant 1R01HG004483-01 under Ian Holmes.
