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Bioinformatics Australia 2009|450|}}

Pre-Conference GMOD Workshop
28 October 2009, 2:00-6:00pm

There will be a half day, pre-conference GMOD workshop at Bioinformatics Australia 2009 (BA2009) in Melbourne. The workshop will be held Wednesday 28 October 2009, from 2-6pm.

The workshop will introduce the GMOD project and many project components. The workshop will be run by Dave Clements of the GMOD Help Desk.

Tentative Agenda

This agenda will be expanded in the coming weeks.

Time Topic
2:00 Introduction
2:10 Software
2:15 Visualisation

GBrowse, JBrowse, GBrowse_syn, CMap, other Comparative Genomics viewers
This will include a detailed GBrowse configuration example, including showing some next generation sequence data.

3:55 Break
4:05 Data Management

Chado, BioMart, InterMine, GFF3

4:50 Annotation

MAKER, DIYA, Apollo, Textpresso, Community Annotation, Pipelines and Workflows

5:35 GMOD Project and Community

This is not a hands-on workshop. However, after the workshop this page will have links to the workshop presentation materials and to a VMware image containing the system used for GBrowse worked example.

This workshop is generously sponsored by Bioplatforms Australia, and admission to the workshop is included in the registration for Bioinformatics Australia 2009.

About Bioplatforms Australia

Bioplatforms Australia is a national body that supports Australian life science research through major investments in state-of-the-art platform technologies and by providing specialist services in genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics. Bioplatforms Australia represents an Australia-wide network of universities and research institutions that boast the nation’s best in biomolecular research capabilities. Its vision is to promote broad access to its infrastructure network and cutting edge expertise as well as enhance research efforts by offering an integrated 'omics' approach.



If you work in Australia (or anywhere close to it!) please help spread the word on this workshop by downloading, printing and posting the workshop announcement at your workplace.