News/NGS Analyses in Galaxy

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NGS Analyses in Galaxy

The Galaxy team is announcing the launch of the first free public resource for NGS analysis. This service is the beginning of our campaign to provide free web-based utilities for NGS analysis and later in the year will take advantage of the Cloud resources. At present, there are three main groups of tools including:

  1. NGS QC and manipulation - contains a variety of tools for dealing with all flavors of fastq datasets as well as outputs of SOLiD and 454 instruments.
  2. NGS Mapping - currently includes Bowtie (Illumina & SOLiD), BWA (Illumina), and LASTZ (454) mappers. PerM (SOLiD) is on the way and more will be added in the coming months. Transcriptome tools are also in the final stages of development.
  3. NGS SAMTools - includes a variety of utilities for SAM/BAM manipulation. Some are based on SAMtools library, some are written by Galaxy team.

See the announcement page for more information and for links to several Galaxy Quickies (video tutorials) demonstrating the new service.

Anton Nekrutenko

Posted to the GMOD News on 2010/03/08