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Stephen Ficklin

Interim Assistant Director for Bioinformatics at the Clemson University Genomics Institute


Cugi logo6.5.jpg

The Clemson University Genomics Institute (CUGI) is a state of the art research/service facility located in the Upstate region of South Carolina, United States, at Clemson University. CUGI is involved in the development and distribution of genomic tools and services for the life science community. The Institute also performs research projects that focus on the discovery and functional analysis of important genes and genomic regions from plants, animals, microbes and humans using the specialized tools of genomics and proteomics. The application of these technologies to agriculture, human health and the environment will ensure continued improvement in crop productivity, environmental systems, and health care to meet the future needs of an ever-growing world population.


Tripal is a collection of Drupal modules under development at the Clemson University Genomics Institute (CUGI) that serve as a web front-end for the GMOD chado database. Tripal intially started as a web front-end for the Marine Genomics Project ( Work on the interface is currently ongoing for the project as well as the Fagaceae Genomics Web, and other CUGI projects. Collaborators on the project include investigators from the Hollings Marine Lab, The Medical University of South Carolina and the Main Bioinformatics Laboratory at Washington State University. The software will be released for public open-source use by the summer of 2009.

Advantages to Drupal

Drupal provides several benefits as a front-end for chado, including:

  • A content management system that allows ordinary users to provide and update content.
  • A web framework that provides a simplified API for creating online forms, pages, content blocks, etc.
  • Free, it's open-source!
  • Large community, active development, and well documented.
  • A large collection of publicly available modules that instantly enhance a site and reduce development time.
  • Includes an infrastructure for managing user and data access permissions.
  • Built-in and extendable full-text searching capability.
  • Highly customizable:
    • Users add content in an easy intuitive manner.
    • Web designers create a custom "look-and-feel" for their Drupal sites.
    • Programmers develop new modules for new content types and functionality.
  • Provides social-networking functionality such as commenting, social bookmarking, etc.

Advantages to Tripal

Upon initial release, Tripal will provide several benefits:

  • Quick development of an online genomic database.
  • Integrates directly with GMOD chado.
  • Provides visualizations for chado "modules" such features, analyses, libraries, etc.
  • Provides an interface for easy editing/updating of data in chado.
  • Provides full text and categorical search capabilities for chado content.

Future aspirations for Tripal

  • Web-based chado installation.
  • Built-in data management utilities for bulk load of data.
  • A workflow infrastructure for online data analysis through online tools.
  • integration with high-performance/high-throughput computational resources.


  • Phone: 1-864-656-4298
  • Email: ficklin<*>