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Talk:GBrowse Install HOWTO

Revision as of 15:35, 14 January 2009 by DanBolser (Talk | contribs)

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Aaaaaah.... --DanBolser 12:07, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

Question about

Soo... Looking at:*checkout*/gmod/Generic-Genome-Browser/bin/

I wonder if its possible to install 'non-root' using this PL? Seems like appropriate use of the '--install_param_str' could allow a non-root install via this package... would it be something like

perl --install_param_str PREFIX=~/build

? It would be good if the content of this page could be re-organized, as it seems to jump around a bit, and I think several sections could be placed on other (sub) pages. I'd do it... but I'm lazy, no wait, what I mean is that I don't want to start cutting and hacking away before I know what I am doing. --DanBolser 12:21, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

At least part of the answer to this question is: "Yes, you can use as 'non-root', however, you should have your cpan configuration set up so that you can install Perl modules as a non-root user. To do that you may need to edit the file '~/.cpan/CPAN/' and set the value of PREFIX to somewhere sensible. There should be plenty of information on the internet describing how to set up cpan so you can install Perl modules as a non-root user. For some reason the '--install_param_str="PREFIX=~/build"' suggestion above does not seem to work, you need to configure cpan"

Heh... part of looks like this:

[dbolser@cricket ~]$ grep "~" .cpan/CPAN/
  'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=~/perl SITELIBEXP=~/perl/lib/perl5 LIB=~/perl/lib/perl5 INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/perl/share/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=~/perl/share/man/man3 INSTALLSITEMAN1DIR=~/perl/share/man/man1 INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR=~/perl/share/man/man3],
[dbolser@cricket ~]$ grep bolser .cpan/CPAN/
  'build_dir' => q[/homes/dbolser/.cpan/build],
  'cpan_home' => q[/homes/dbolser/.cpan],
  'histfile' => q[/homes/dbolser/.cpan/histfile],
  'keep_source_where' => q[/homes/dbolser/.cpan/sources],

If you ever happen to have done something like "sudo cpan", your in trouble. Make sure that nothing under ~/.cpan is owned by root, and configure cpan along the lines of the above (or using information on the internets).

It seems that mostly uses cpan, so lets see... --DanBolser 15:00, 28 October 2008 (UTC)

I wonder who I'm talking to... I found this error so far... Using the following command:
./ -d --install_param_str="PREFIX=~/test"
Manifying blib/lib/Bio/DB/ -> blib/libdoc/Bio::DB::Qual.3pm
ERROR: Can't create '/usr/bin'
Do not have write permissions on '/usr/bin'
 at /tmp/vbXS2SeDDc/bioperl-live/ line 812
 *** Installing Generic-Genome-Browser ***

CPAN as non-root?


Question about Optional Perl modules

Are the Bio:: Perl modules listed in this section not part of BioPerl? Why are these modules listed separately from BioPerl? --DanBolser 15:35, 14 January 2009 (UTC)