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April 2013 GMOD Meeting

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Meeting location: the Hauser Forum, Cambridge, UK

Meeting date: 5-6 April 2013 (before Biocuration 2013)

Online registration form



Accommodation is available at Churchill College (the location of Biocuration 2013) for £60 +VAT for a single room with en suite bathroom; this price includes breakfast. Please contact Kelly Bridge, Conference Co-ordinator (Accommodation), directly on to book.

Other options are also available in Cambridge, including Lucy Cavendish College which has rooms available for the full span of the GMOD and Biocuration meetings. Lady Cavendish is a 10 minute walk to the Biocuration meeting and a 20 minute walk to the GMOD Meeting.


Register for the GMOD meeting online now!

Guest Speaker Nominations

We are seeking nominations for a guest speaker at this meeting. A good guest speaker for a GMOD meeting is someone who

  • Works in bioinformatics, but not directly on the GMOD project.
  • Works in an area of interest to the GMOD community.
  • Is already nearby. For this meeting this could also include someone who is coming to Cambridge/Hinxton for the Genome Informatics conference.
  • Is willing to speak for complimentary lunches and admission to this meeting. (These last two requirements exist because we don't have funds to pay travel expenses.)

If you have anyone in mind, or would like to nominate yourself, please contact the GMOD Help Desk with your suggestion.

Proposed Agenda Topics

  • Keynote: TBD
  • Updates on actively developed GMOD components
  • Lightning talks: 10-15 minute talks on GMOD-related topics
  • JBrowse hackathon on Apr 6th (afternoon)?
  • What to do about dormant / dead GMOD components
  • GMOD: the 5 year plan (Scott)

If you have any suggestions for topics or activities for the 2013 GMOD meeting, please email them to the GMOD helpdesk.