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Here are some upcoming meeting possibilities for the WebApollo team.

Meeting Date Location Comments
Entomological Society of America November 13-16, 2011 Reno We plan to do a WebApollo demo and proto-jamboree with honeybee annotators (maybe as a BOF or pair of BOFs?). Many of the Georgetown people will be there. Most of the Berkeley team will go.
PAG (Plant and Animal Genome) conference January 14-18, 2012 San Diego Some Georgetown people will be there. Probably not necessary to send Berkeley people.
Hackathon in Healdsburg January 19-22, 2012 Healdsburg Hackathon + opportunity for rapid-cycle testing with Georgetown users. All the Berkeley people plus some of the Georgetown people (who can come up from San Diego after PAG): Justin and Chris C.
Hackathon at Georgetown March 28-31, 2012 Washington DC Ed, Gregg, Chris C., Justin
Biocuration 2012 April 2-4, 2012 Washington DC Some of the Georgetown group will go, and some of the Berkeley group (Gregg and Ed)
GMOD Meeting April 5-6, 2012 Washington DC
i5k Community Workshop May 30 - June 2, 2012 Kansas City, MO Have WebApollo tutorial/workshop. Chris E., Moni, and Suzi will be there.


BOSC and ISMB July 13-14 and 15-17, 2012 Long Beach, CA (near Los Angeles) Berkeley people should plan to attend BOSC. Can meet with other JBrowse developers there.

Maybe we should try to do a talk and/or demo at ISMB? Deadline in March or so.