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Modware is an object-oriented Perl API for Chado. It allows object-oriented querying and loading of a Chado database and returns data structures that a programmer can readily use without knowing the details of how the object is stored in the relational schema.

Many bioinformatics programmers are familiar with the Bio::SeqFeature object system for representing biological features in BioPerl. Modware utilizes this framework for easy programmatic access and manipulation of biological features directly from Chado.

Modware is in its early stages so feedback from users is critical.

Please use our bug tracker on Sourceforge ( to report bugs and feature reqeusts.

  • For a wiki-ized version of a presentation done at the GMOD meeting in January 2007: Modware Presentation
  • For a VERY quick tour of the kinds of things you can do with Modware, check out the [Examples Page]
  • For detailed documentation on the API, check out the [API docs].
  • To download Modware and CVS access, go to the [Project page].

Getting Started

  • Install GMOD
  • Install Modware, and there is an option to 'make install_sample' that will install the Dictyostelium Genome
  • Explore the API documentation and ask questions to


This software was developed for dictyBase at the Center for Genetic Medicine at Northwestern University, which is funded by NIH Grants GM64426 and HG0022.


For more information contact