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Chado Natural Diversity Module Working Group

Revision as of 04:35, 10 December 2009 by Clements (Talk | contribs)

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January 2010 GMOD Meeting January 2010 Satellite Meeting
January 8, 2010

Following PAG 2010
San Diego, California, USA
San Diego Convention and Visitors Bureau

There will be a Satellite Meeting on the proposed Natural Diversity module for Chado at the January 2010 GMOD Meeting. This meeting will be a discussion of the module both in its current state and where we would like to see it go. If you have an interest in adding better natural diversity support to Chado, then you are encouraged to attend.

Tripal with an emphasis on future development plans. Anyone using Tripal, planning on or interested in it, or with an interest in using Drupal as a web front end to Chado is encouraged to attend.

Date and Time

Friday, January 8, 2009

We'll meet at 5pm on Friday, January 8, outside the Best Western Hotel and then have dinner together and then meet afterwords. This is the night before PAG 2010 starts, and 6 days before the GMOD meeting starts. We are holding it before PAG because some key personnel are attending only PAG.


The venue will be set before the meeting. This is likely to be a small informal gathering.


If you are interested, please add your name below. (Either update this page directly, or send your contact info to Dave Clements.)

Name Email Affiliation Comments

Dave Clements (organizer)


Please let me know if you are interested in participating in this group, or if you have any questions.

Sook Jung

sook *

Washington State University, GDR

Meg Staton

mestato *


Stephen Ficklin

ficklin *


Dorrie Main

dorrie *

Washington State University, GDR

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Reading Material
