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m (Table: organism)
m (Table: organism)
Line 34: Line 34:
| species
| species
| character varying(255)
| character varying(255)
| '' UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL ''<br /><br />A type of organism is always uniquely identified by genus and species. When mapping from the NCBI taxonomy names.dmp file, this column must be used where it is present, as the common_name column is not always unique (e.g. environmental samples). If a particular strain or subspecies is to be represented, this is appended onto the species name. Follows standard NCBI taxonomy pattern
| '' UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL ''<br /><br />A type of organism is always uniquely identified by genus and species. When mapping from the NCBI taxonomy names.dmp file, this column must be used where it is present, as the common_name column is not always unique (e.g. environmental samples). If a particular strain or subspecies is to be represented, this is appended onto the species name. Follows standard NCBI taxonomy pattern.
|- class="tr0"
|- class="tr0"

Revision as of 03:56, 1 March 2007



Table: organism

The organismal taxonomic classification. Note that phylogenies are represented using the phylogeny module, and taxonomies can be represented using the cvterm module or the phylogeny module.

organism Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
organism_id serial PRIMARY KEY
abbreviation character varying(255)
genus character varying(255) UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
species character varying(255) UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

A type of organism is always uniquely identified by genus and species. When mapping from the NCBI taxonomy names.dmp file, this column must be used where it is present, as the common_name column is not always unique (e.g. environmental samples). If a particular strain or subspecies is to be represented, this is appended onto the species name. Follows standard NCBI taxonomy pattern.
common_name character varying(255)
comment text

Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:

Table: organism_dbxref

organism_dbxref Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
organism_dbxref_id serial PRIMARY KEY


organism_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


dbxref_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table: organism_relationship

organism_relationship Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
organism_relationship_id serial PRIMARY KEY


subject_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


object_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


type_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL

Table: organismpath

organismpath Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
organismpath_id serial PRIMARY KEY


subject_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


object_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


type_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
pathdistance integer UNIQUE#1

Table: organismprop

Tag-value properties - follows standard chado model.

organismprop Structure
F-Key Name Type Description
organismprop_id serial PRIMARY KEY


organism_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL


type_id integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL
value text
rank integer UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL