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Moved to [[JBrowse2_Tutorial_PAG_2023]]
== Prerequisites ==
* NodeJS
Installed using the instructions on []:
<span class="enter">
  curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - &&sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
* A web server (Apache2 in this instance, but any will do). I enabled the "userdir" mod so we could all use the same machine for the tutorial:
<span class="enter">
  sudo a2enmod userdir
  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
===Things created just for this tutorial===
* A script to create several users with <code>public_html</code> directories (link for when it exists)
* Already installed the JBrowse command line interface (CLI) via the [ directions] (i.e., <code>sudo npm install -g @jbrowse/cli</code>)
==Initializing JBrowse==
First, use ssh to connect to the instance we have set up for this tutorial, Do this with the user name and password you got from one of us (we have 50 users configured--hopefully that will be enough!):
and supply the password. When you log in, you'll be in your user's home directory, where there is nothing but a public_html directory. That directory is also currently empty, so we'll use the JBrowse CLI to initialize a new JBrowse instance:
jbrowse create public_html
Now change to that directory, <code>cd public_html</code> and do a file list to make sure it looks right:
'' ''' put a picture here  ''' ''
This is all of the software required to run JBrowse. If we now navigate to the tutorial machine's website with the port supplied on the username/password slip, you should see a page indicating that JBrowse was installed but not configured:
'' ''' put a picture here  ''' ''
To make sure it really works, we can click on the ''Volvox'' (not really Volvox) data set.
To get started creating our JBrowse instance, we'll run the JBrowse admin-server, which looks just like JBrowse proper, but has an extra admin menu. '''Important note''': The admin server is NOT meant to be left running; it is not particularly secure, so if you leave it up, somebody might start messing with your site.  To start the admin server, we change to the directory where JBrowse will be served from (<code>public_html</code>) and run the <code>jbrowse</code> command to start it:
cd public_html
jbrowse admin-server -p YYYY
When we execute that command, we get a message in the terminal that it started up and gives us some URLs to use to access the server. It will look something like this:
The part we need is the adminKey. In a browser window, enter a URL that looks like this:
===Adding a reference sequence===
===Adding a gene track from tabix-indexed GFF===
===Adding a gene track from a JBrowse (NCList) track===
===Adding variant data from a tabix-indexed VCF===
===Adding quantitative data from a BigWig===
===Using JEXL to modify the display===
====Dynamically changing the color====
====Dynamically changing the mouseover text====
=Below is the most recent JBrowse 1 tutorial as a guide=
This [[Has topic::JBrowse]] tutorial was presented by [[User:Scott|Scott Cain]] at the [ Plant and Animal Genomes] meeting using JBrowse 1.16.6.
This tutorial assumes a [ VirtualBox] Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) instance with the tutorial bundle zip file, also available on Amazon S3: [ JBrowse PAG 2020.ova] (about 4GB) or [] (about 36MB) for just the JBrowse source and data files for this tutorial.
== Prerequisites ==
Prerequisites are installed by JBrowse automatically. A few things may fail to install (like legacy support for wiggle files), but that doesn't matter.
Make sure you can copy/paste from the wiki.
It's also very useful to know how to tab-complete in the shell.
It's probably a good idea to use a browser like Chrome or Firefox that has the ability to turn off caching while working on this tutorial.  To do this in Chrome, with the browser open to the JBrowse page you're working on, select Developer->Javascript Console from the View menu.  In the console, click the "gear" icon (settings) and check the box labeled "Disable Cache".
A few basic packages were installed before JBrowse via <code>apt-get</code>:
<span class="enter">
  sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev apache2 curl
Also, a few items were installed that aren't needed for this tutorial but would be necessary if you wanted to add plugins (git and NodeJS):
<span class="enter">
  curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
  sudo apt-get install git
== JBrowse Introduction ==
How and why [[JBrowse]] is different from most other web-based genome browsers, including [[GBrowse]].
More detail: [ paper]
[[Media:JBrowse_PAG_2017.pdf|JBrowse presentation]]
== Setting up JBrowse ==
=== Getting JBrowse ===
* download the demo bundle from Amazon and unzip it. Don't do the things in yellow; they were done ahead in the interests of time.
<span class="enter">cd html</span>
<pre class="dont">
##curl -O #that's a capital dash"O" not a zero/zed.
<pre class="dont">
<span class="enter">cp ~/ . ## if we don't need to update the zip file
<span class="enter">unzip</span>
<span class="enter">cd PAG_2020_JBrowse
<pre class="dont">
mv jbrowse-1.16.6-release ../jbrowse
* run <code></code> to configure this copy of JBrowse
<span class="enter">cd jbrowse</span>
<pre class="dont">
Typically, this setup step doesn't take very long, but on these virtual machines on an already slow laptop, they can take a while.
=== Starting Point ===
Visit in web browser (ie, Firefox inside the virtual machine):
You should see a "Congratulations" page.
=== Basic Steps ===
There are four basic steps to setting up an instance of JBrowse:
# Load and format reference sequences
# Format data for tracks
# Configure direct-access tracks
# Index feature names
=== A Short Detour for GFF ===
[[GFF]] (Generic Feature Format) is a very commonly used text format for describing features that exist on sequences.  We'll head off to [[GFF|that page]] to talk about it a bit.
=== Features from a directory of files ===
Here, we'll use the {{CPAN|Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store}} adaptor in "memory" mode to read a directory of files.  There are adaptors available for use with many other databases, such as [[Chado]] and {{CPAN|Bio::DB::GFF}}.
Config file:
  "description": "PAG 2017 P. ultima Example",
  "db_adaptor": "Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store",
  "db_args" : {
      "-adaptor" : "memory",
      "-dir" : ".."
==== Specify reference sequences ====
The first script to run is <tt>bin/</tt>; that script is the way you tell JBrowse about what your reference sequences are.  Running <tt>bin/</tt> also sets up the "DNA" track.
Run this from within the <tt>jbrowse</tt> directory (you could run it elsewhere, but you'd have to explicitly specify the location of the data directory on the command line).
<span class="enter">cd ~/html/jbrowse</span>
<span class="enter">bin/ --gff ../PAG_2020_JBrowse/scf1117875582023.gff</span>
Refresh it in your web browser, you should new see the JBrowse UI and a sequence track, which will show you the DNA base pairs if you zoom in far enough.
==== Load Feature Data ====
Next, we'll use <tt></tt> to get feature data out of the database and turn it into [[Glossary#JSON|JSON]] data that the web browser can use.
In this case, we have specified all of our track configurations in <code>pythium-1.conf</code>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">...
    "class": "feature"
"tracks": [
      "track": "Genes",
      "key": "Genes",
      "feature": ["mRNA"],
      "autocomplete": "all",
      "class": "transcript",
      "subfeature_classes" : {
            "CDS" : "transcript-CDS",
            "UTR" : "transcript-UTR"
<tt>track</tt> specifies the track identifier (a unique name for the track, for the software to use).  This should be just letters and numbers and - and _ characters; using other characters makes things less convenient.
<tt>key</tt> specifies a human-friendly name for the track, which can use any characters you want.
<tt>feature</tt> gives a list of feature types to include in the track.
<tt>autocomplete</tt> including this setting makes the features in the track searchable.
<tt>urltemplate</tt> specifies a URL pattern that you can use to link genomic features to specific web pages.
<tt>class</tt> specifies the [[Glossary#CSS|CSS]] class that describes how the feature should look.
For this particular track, I've specified the <tt>transcript</tt> feature class.
Run the <tt>bin/</tt> script with this config file to format this track, and the others in the file:
<span class="enter">bin/ --conf ../PAG_2020_JBrowse/pythium-1.conf</span>
Refresh JBrowse in your web browser.  You should now see a bunch of annotation tracks.
==== Index feature names ====
When you generate JSON for a track, if you specify <tt>"autocomplete"</tt> then a listing of all of the feature names from that track (along with feature locations) will also be generated and used to provide feature searching and autocompletion.
The <tt>bin/</tt> script collects those lists of names from all the tracks and combines them into one big tree that the client uses to search.
<span class="enter">bin/ -v</span>
Visit in web browser, try typing a feature name, such as '''maker-scf1117875582023-snap-gene-0.26-mRNA-1'''.  Notice that JBrowse tries to auto-complete what you type.
=== Features from GFF3 or BED files ===
We're going to add a couple more tracks that come from a flat file, <tt>repeats.gff</tt>.  To get feature data from flat files into JBrowse, we use <tt></tt>.
* We'll add a RepeatMasker track:
<span class="enter">bin/ --trackLabel "repeat masker" \
    --trackType CanvasFeatures \
    --type match:repeatmasker --key RepeatMasker \
    --className generic_parent \
    --subfeatureClasses '{"match_part" : "feature"}' --gff ../PAG_2020_JBrowse/repeats.gff</span>
* And then a RepeatRunner track:
<span class="enter">bin/ --trackLabel "repeat runner" \
    --trackType CanvasFeatures \
    --type protein_match:repeatrunner \
    --key RepeatRunner --className generic_parent \
    --subfeatureClasses '{"match_part" : "feature"}' --gff ../PAG_2020_JBrowse/repeats.gff</span>
Visit in web browser; you should see the two new RepeatMasker and RepeatRunner tracks.
=== BAM alignments ===
JBrowse can display alignments directly from a BAM file on your web server.  Simply place the BAM file in a directory accessible to your web server, and add a snippet of configuration to JBrowse to add the track, similar to:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "label" : "bam_alignments",
        "key" : "BAM alignments",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/simulated-sorted.bam",
        "type" : "Alignments2"
This can be added by either editing the <tt>data/trackList.json</tt> file with a text editor, or by running something like this at the command line to inject the track configuration:
<span class="enter">echo '{
        "label" : "bam_alignments",
        "key" : "BAM alignments",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/simulated-sorted.bam",
        "type" : "Alignments2"
      }' | bin/ data/trackList.json</span>
=== BAM coverage ===
This time we'll use a text editor and will edit the track configuration file directly.  Type
  <span class="enter">gedit data/trackList.json</span>
and insert the text below in the "tracks" array (the easiest thing to do is find the "[" after "tracks", paste there and then add a comma after the "}").
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "label" : "bam_coverage",
        "key" : "BAM Coverage",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/simulated-sorted.bam",
        "type" : "SNPCoverage"
and then press the Save button.
=== Quantitative data ===
==== BigWig ====
JBrowse can display quantitative data directly from a BigWig file on your web server.  Simply place the BigWig file in a directory accessible to your web server, and add a snippet of configuration to JBrowse to add the track, similar to:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "label" : "bigwig_bam_coverage",
        "key" : "BigWig - BAM coverage",
        "storeClass" : "BigWig",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/",
        "type" : "JBrowse/View/Track/Wiggle/XYPlot",
        "variance_band" : true
This can be added by either editing the <tt>data/trackList.json</tt> file with a text editor, or by running something like this at the command line to inject the track configuration:
<span class="enter">echo ' {
        "label" : "bigwig_bam_coverage",
        "key" : "BigWig - BAM coverage",
        "storeClass" : "BigWig",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/",
        "type" : "JBrowse/View/Track/Wiggle/XYPlot",
        "variance_band" : true
      } ' | bin/ data/trackList.json</span>
=== Variation Data ===
==== VCF tracks ====
JBrowse can also display VCF variation data directly from a VCF file on your web server that has been compressed with Heng Li's bgzip and tabix.  Simply place the .vcf.gz and .vcf.gz.tbi files in a directory accessible to your web server, and add a snippet of configuration to JBrowse to add the track, similar to:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "label" : "bam_variation",
        "key" : "VCF simulated variation",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/simulated-sorted.vcf.gz",
        "type" : "HTMLVariants"
This can be added by either editing the <tt>data/trackList.json</tt> file with a text editor, or by running something like this at the command line to inject the track configuration:
<span class="enter">echo ' {
        "label" : "bam_variation",
        "key" : "VCF simulated variation",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/VCFTabix",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/simulated-sorted.vcf.gz",
        "type" : "HTMLVariants"
      } ' | bin/ data/trackList.json</span>
===Paired read CRAM data===
We can use a text editor again to edit track configuration file directly.  So, if you don't already have gedit open, once again, type
  <span class="enter">gedit data/trackList.json</span>
and insert the text below in the "tracks" array (the easiest thing to do is find the "[" after "tracks", paste there and then add a comma after the "}").
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "label" : "paired_cram",
        "key" : "Paired CRAM",
        "glyph": "JBrowse/View/FeatureGlyph/PairedAlignment",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/CRAM",
        "urlTemplate" : "../../PAG_2020_JBrowse/simulated.cram",
        "type" : "Alignments2"
and then press the Save button.
====Paired Read Glyph Options====
Now is also a good time to look at the plethora of options available for working with the paired read glyph.  To access them, hover the mouse over the the track label (where it says "Paired CRAM") and click the down triangle to display an options menu.  Feel free to play, but because this track's data are simulated, they are kind of boring.  Be sure to check out the track visualization types.
=== Faceted Track Selection ===
JBrowse has a very powerful faceted track selector that can be used to search for tracks using metadata associated with them.
The track metadata is kept in a CSV-format file, with any number of columns, and with a "label" column whose contents must correspond to the track labels in the JBrowse configuration.
The demo bundle contains an example <tt>trackMetadata.csv</tt> file, which can be copied into the <tt>data</tt> directory for use with this configuration.
<span class="enter">cp ../PAG_2020_JBrowse/trackMetadata.csv data/</span>
Then a simple faceted track selection configuration might look like:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
  "trackSelector": {
      "type": 'Faceted',
  "trackMetadata": {
      "sources": [
          { "type": 'csv', "url": 'data/trackMetadata.csv' }
Copy the section above and put it in the empty curly braces in the <tt>jbrowse_conf.json</tt> file in the <tt>jbrowse</tt> directory, save it, refresh your browser, and you should now see the faceted track selector activated.
==Changing the way tracks look==
Tracks can be modified by changing several aspects of how the images are created.  While this can be done be done both with HTML and Canvas tracks, this tutorial will focus on Canvas tracks only (the repeat tracks created above). 
The configuration for the RepeatMasker track looks like this:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "key" : "RepeatMasker",
        "trackType" : "CanvasFeatures",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList",
        "urlTemplate" : "tracks/repeat masker/{refseq}/trackData.json",
        "style" : {
            "subfeatureClasses" : {
              "match_part" : "feature"
            "className" : "generic_parent"
        "type" : "CanvasFeatures",
        "compress" : 0,
        "label" : "repeat masker"
Open the <code>data/trackList.json</code> file in your favorite editor and Control-F will open a "find" window; search for "repeatmasker".  A simple change we can make is to the color; in the line starting with "style", add:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
  "color" : "black",
save the changes and select the RepeatMasker track or reload the browser to see the change.  Many attributes of the display can be modified in this way, see the [[JBrowse_Configuration_Guide#CanvasFeatures_Configuration_Options|JBrowse Configuration Guide]] for a list of options.
=== Making changes based on the data ===
Much like GBrowse's perl callbacks that can change the track display, in the JBrowse configuration file you can include JavaScript functions to change the way tracks look.  For example, in the RepeatMasker track, we can change the color of the glyph depending on what kind of repeat it is (where we happen to know that the type of repeat is encoded in the name).  In this example, we leave the glyph black, unless it is a low complexity repeat, where we'll color it red.  A function to do that would look like this:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
  "color" : "function(feature) { var name = feature.get('Name'); if (name.match('Low_complexity') ) { return 'red'; } return 'black';  }",
When editing the trackList.json file directly in this way, the function has to go all on one line, but if we create an "include file" (not covered here) the function can have carriage returns in it.  Replace the simple "color : black" section we just created in the configuration file with the function above, save the file and reload the browser page to see the changes (you might have to mouse around to find a low complexity repeat).
=== Making links open something else ===
The default action when you click on a glyph is to open a "floating" window that displays everything JBrowse knows about a feature.  If you'd like something else to happen, you have several options ([[JBrowse_Configuration_Guide#Click_Configuration_Options|outlined here]]), including having a different floating window open or executing any JavaScript function you define.  For this example, we'll create a link that will Google the repeat's name and open the result in a new window.  In the RepeatMasker section of the JBrowse configuration, we'll add a section that looks like this after the style section:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "onClick" : {
          "iconClass" : "dijitIconDatabase",
          "action" : "newWindow",
          "url" : "{name}",
          "label" : "Search for {name} at Google",
          "title" : "function(track,feature,div) { return 'Searching for '+feature.get('name')+' at Google'; }"
If you're having difficulties, the RepeatMasker section of the configuration file should now look something like this:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
        "key" : "RepeatMasker",
        "trackType" : "CanvasFeatures",
        "storeClass" : "JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/NCList",
        "style" : {
            "color" : "function(feature) { var name = feature.get('Name'); if (name.match('Low_complexity') ) { return 'red'; } return 'black';  }",
            "subfeatureClasses" : {
              "match_part" : "feature"
            "className" : "generic_parent"
        "onClick" : {
          "iconClass" : "dijitIconDatabase",
          "action" : "newWindow",
          "url" : "{name}",
          "label" : "Search for {name} at Google",
          "title" : "function(track,feature,div) { return 'Searching for '+feature.get('name')+' at Google'; }"
        "label" : "repeat masker",
        "urlTemplate" : "tracks/repeat masker/{refseq}/trackData.json",
        "compress" : 0,
        "type" : "CanvasFeatures"
==Using Plugins==
JBrowse is built with a very flexible and powerful plugin system.  The JBrowse developers are working on a plugin registry website, but for the time being, you can look at the source code for what will drive the website in the [ jbrowse-registry github repo], and in particular, the file that contains the info about the available plugins, [ plugins.yaml].
For this tutorial, we'll look at a plugin that is shipped with JBrowse but isn't turned on by default.  JBrowse plugins are typically stored in the <code>plugins</code> directory, and in 1.12.1's plugin directory there are 6 plugins:
and the RegexSequenceSearch plugin is already activated (look under the "Track" menu for it).  We will turn on the HideTrackLabels plugin. Open <code>jbrowse.conf</code>:
<span class="enter">
  gedit jbrowse.conf
and find (cntl-F) "plugins", which will look like this:
## uncomment and edit the example below to enable one or more
## JBrowse plugins
# [ plugins.MyPlugin ]
# location = plugins/MyPlugin
# [ plugins.AnotherPlugin ]
# location = ../plugin/dir/someplace/else
Add below this a few lines to active the HideTrackLabels plugin:
[ plugins.HideTrackLabels ]
location = plugins/HideTrackLabels
Note that not all plugins are activated this way: typically, if it modifies the way JBrowse *works*, it will go here.  If the plugin modifies the way tracks look will go in the <code>trackList.json</code> file.
== JBrowse Features ==
=== Highlighting interesting things ===
To highlight a region, you can either right-click on a feature and select 'highlight this', or you can set the highlight explicitly to a certain genomic region by clicking "View -> Set highlight" in the menu bar.
Beginning in JBrowse 1.10.0 you can also highlight a region with the mouse by clicking the highlighter tool (next to the Go button) and clicking and dragging to highlight a region.
=== Opening local files ===
JBrowse can display GFF3, BAM, BigWig, and VCF+Tabix files directly from your local machine without the need to transfer any data to the server.  Just use the "File -> Open" tool from the menu bar to add tracks using local files.
=== Combination tracks ===
Starting in version 1.10.0, users can define tracks that are combinations of the data in other tracks.  The operations used to combine these tracks can be set operations (union, intersection, subtraction), arithmetic operations for quantitative tracks (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), and/or masking operations to just highlight or mask some regions based on data in another track.
To add a combination track, select "File->Add combination track" from the menu bar, and drag existing tracks into the new combination track to start combining them.
== Upgrading an Existing JBrowse ==
If the old JBrowse is 1.3.0 or later, simply move the data directory from the old JBrowse directory into the new JBrowse directory after running the <code></code> script.
== Common Problems ==
* JSON syntax errors in configuration files (2.x series will stop this madness!)
== Other links ==
* Config file ref: [[JBrowse Configuration Guide]]
* DIV test:

Latest revision as of 18:40, 30 November 2022

Moved to JBrowse2_Tutorial_PAG_2023