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News/Canto, a GMOD tool for functional annotation

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We are pleased to announce that Canto, the PomBase community curation tool, is now a GMOD component.

Canto is an online tool that supports functional gene annotation by community researchers as well as by professional curators. It provides a simple interface to gather genetic and molecular data from publications for inclusion in public biological databases.

Curation in Canto uses OBO ontologies, and the specific set of ontologies is configurable upon setup. The PomBase Canto instance currently uses GO, PSI-MOD and FYPO.

Genetic and physical interaction annotation is also supported. Canto captures all necessary information about each interaction for submission to BioGRID.

Canto currently supports annotation export in JSON format, either by individual paper or in bulk (see some example data from PomBase Chado loading tests).

The JSON data from Canto can be loaded into a relational database using the Chado schema (as at PomBase) or alternative schemas.

Basic gene association file (GAF) export is also supported for GO annotations.

More information about Canto:

Posted to the GMOD News on 2013/12/02