GMOD - Getting Started

Revision as of 21:10, 13 February 2007 by Bosborne (Talk | contribs)

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This is a guide to getting started with Chado and GMOD. If you want to set up your own model organism database, this is a good place to start; however, if all you want is a particular software component, like GBrowse, Apollo or CMap, you would be better off to visit the pages for those applications.

There are currently two ways to install the GMOD components to get a working model organism database, which I will refer to as the easy way and the hard way. The easy way assumes that you have a brand new computer with Fedora Core 2 installed so that you can take advantage of several 'short cut' packages that have been prebuilt for that operating system and are available from The hard way is for any other OS and requires just about everything to be built from source.

A few particularly good pieces of documentation you might want to look at are:

  • Chado_Schema_Documentation.doc, a MS Word document giving a detailed explaination of many Chado concepts (older).
  • Chado Manual, a set of html pages automatically generated from tex files, where some of those tex files were automatically generated from sql files (newer).
  • chado-scenarios.xml, an XML file with Chado usage scenarios. This document has an xslt applied to it, so hopefully your browser will support that as well as mine.
  • ChadoCSHMay03Slides.pdf, a presentation given by Stan Letovsky at the May, 2003 GMOD meeting to introduce the basic concepts in Chado.